
Gateway To Adventure Trilogy For Old-School Essentials

Created by Appendix N Entertainment

A Trilogy Of Variant and Optional Rules For OSE, Classic D&D and OSRS

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Going Forward
over 1 year ago – Sun, Jan 29, 2023 at 12:17:09 PM

Alright folks. Time to address the things that cropped up in the past month.

1. Per our last update, it was unclear on if this project would be moving forward as OSE compatible or not. Necrotic Gnome has spoken and OSE is here to stay... in one form or another, so these books will still be made to be OSE compatible!

2. The OGL. While it still exists, WOTC has stated it will remain "unchanged." This means that it is still revokable until we hear otherwise. That is still potentially problematic for those products released under it OR using any content released under it over the past 23 years. Therefore, unless Necrotic Gnome deems that OSE will remain on the OGL AND require that the OGL be used within OSE compatible products, it is unlikely that these books will use that license.

3. Assuming that Necrotic Gnome goes with a different license to release OSE under, we will likely publish under that license. Time will tell.

4. This project is still mostly on hiatus until we know what OSE and its license will look like in the future. To be clear I will be writing "some" of these books, but I do not want to write in a lot of material that needs to be combed through later and have things removed or changed that may not exist in OSE in the future, pending what license is used in its publication.

5.  ZineQuest 5: We will be producing our last OGL 1.0A compatible product for ZQ5.  This will be a book of demons including the classic D&D demons and Demon princes on the OGL! For your patience on this project, there will be special tiers for you to get this zine (both in physical and/or pdf) at a deep discount. These tiers will require your backer number from this KS to get them at the discount.

Thank you for supporting us and hangin in there over this past month and going forward as we follow NG and the way they choose to move forward.

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment 

Please Stand By
over 1 year ago – Mon, Jan 09, 2023 at 09:54:34 AM

Hello all,

I felt it appropriate to address you all regarding the recent news centered on the OGL and potential removal of OGL 1.0a, which OSE and our compatible works are based upon. That said, Necrotic Gnome released a "non-statement" regarding this over the weekend. You can read it here. This announcement also has a link to an article regarding the OGL news, if you have not heard.

Overall, I will likely be following along with NGs contingency plan. This assumes that WOTC backs down and announces that the 1.0a license will stay in effect or that NGs contingency plan is one that we CAN follow. If we cannot, we will pivot. I will be ceasing work on this KS for the moment, in case things need to change to keep if OSE compatible. In a worst case scenario, being that OSE compatiblity is not attainable OR that OSE gains a new format/license that we cannot abide by, Gateway to Adventure (these three books) would be reformatted to become their own game. We will keep you abrest of the situation as things progress in the coming weeks.

I am truly sorry for all of the problems that WOTC is potentially bringing to our community.

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment

New Year, New Update
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jan 06, 2023 at 07:21:54 PM

Alright folks, several things to touch on in this one.

First and foremost, writing has begun on the classes. There are some rules sections that need to be added to the class book, all pertaining to the characters, and so I am changing the title from "Class Compendium" to "Character Compendium". 

"Combat Conspectus" currently looks to be the shortest of the trilogy. If it is drastically shorter and new non-class rules in "Character Compendium" make it significantly longer, the may be moved to the Conspectus and the title may change to suit all of the material.

As I get writing and layout moving I am getting a better idea of what art will be needed on the interiors. Artists will begin receiving their assignements in the next month or so. As far as cover art, these artists will be kicked off in the next couple of weeks. The covers will be reflective of the mocked up AI art ones presented in the KS. 

Speaking of the covers, in the KS it was mentioned that the AI art present on "Caster's Codex" might be staying around. This will not be the case. We are taking a hard stance on not having AI art present in our books. It is great to use for presenting concepts and for personal use at the gaming table, but there are far too many great artists out there trying to make a living to use AI art. Doing so is an insult to real artists.

Next up, printing. I have been investigating a new printer. If they pull off good printer proofs (once we are to that point) we will likely be able to print these books WITH SEWN BINDING despite not reaching that stretch goal! Time will be the judge of this.

Thank you for backing!

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment

Late Nov. Update
over 1 year ago – Mon, Nov 28, 2022 at 12:57:24 PM

Hey folks! 

Not much to update at the moment. We are working at getting our previous Kickstarter to print and out the door. Some writing is being worked on gradually at the moment. Money is in hand, although quite a bit less than what we had hoped. Several higher end backers did not pay. This tends to happen with every KS, but this time most were higher end. After they fell off and KS took their share, we ended up bringing in under $15,000. Unfortunate, but we will forge ahead. I will not penalize other backers due to this and we will still be filling all pledges next year with all stretch goals that were attained.

All of this said, artists are going to be given their assignments this month to begin work on the pieces we currently know are needed.  We are still very much on track to deliver to our backers in a year's time.

Thank you for your support!

Ryan Thompson

 Appendix N Entertainment 

Most Payments In
over 1 year ago – Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 04:11:19 PM

Hey folks,

Just a quick update. Most of your payments have gone through on Kickstarter's end. There are six of you who have errored payments. The total affecting the campaign for these is $637.00. If you are one of the 6 please update your payment method by Friday, the collection of funds affects where we sit regarding what the campaign brought in. This effectively has us UNDER the $17,000 stretch goal. This also affects when we will receive our funding as KS collects the funds then processes their end.

Thank you,

Ryan Thompson

 Appendix N Entertainment