
Gateway To Adventure Trilogy For Old-School Essentials

Created by Appendix N Entertainment

A Trilogy Of Variant and Optional Rules For OSE, Classic D&D and OSRS

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Horrors Pesist, But So Does This Project!
9 days ago – Sat, Jan 18, 2025 at 01:02:01 PM

Hell everyone!

Firstly, I would like to apologize for the lateness of this month's update. Illness has been running through the household.

The good news is that progress is being further made! A big piece of progress comes from the testing of the two new magical systems being made for the Cunning Folk and Rune Caster classes. I believe that by early February I will have them ready to present to you here! These were one of the bigger hurtles on this project, that I didn't anticipate taking nearly the time that they did. That said, In a couple weeks or so, you can expect to see one of the two presented as it's full class (from Character Compendium) and the magic system that accompanies it (from Caster's Codex.) 

This gets is much closer to actual publication.

In other good news, when working out printers for the Creature Companion Shadowdark conversion we happened upon a very promising source for hardback books. They are likely to be the printer for this trilogy!

Now I will pay you a bit of a preview tax. Since you are getting a glimpse of a class and magic system from two books in a couple of weeks, here is a sample of an optional SINGLE SAVE saving throw system form Contemplations and Combat Conspectus:

As always, thank you for your support and for your patience as we perfect the systems we aim to give you!

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment

NOTICE EU and EEA Backers of Physical Rewards
about 2 months ago – Tue, Dec 03, 2024 at 10:52:36 AM


A notice to all who may not know, the EU has issued new regulations regarding products sold in/to those living in EU and EEA countries, as well as Northern Ireland. These regulations (as well as the decree that companies outside of the EU/EEA need a representative within, will make it difficult for me to legally ship, as I will not have a representative/economic operator staffed, due to the few physical orders I get from the countries affected. It would not be worthwhile. Nor can I meet all of the requirements of declaring the books "safe" due to using different printers on different projects and not having enough information on the ink and finishes used. Please see the links below:

EU GSPR Regulations

Full Regulation


These are the countries affected:

The EU countries are:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

The European Economic Area (EEA)

The EEA includes EU countries and also Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.


Option 1: Update your survey to a digital only pledge. I have updated all pledges within the affected countries to be able to change there pledge over to a digital only pledge. If you chose to move to a digital only pledge, when funds are collected you will receive a refund in the difference between your original pledge and the new pledge you have changed to.

Option 2: If you would still like to TRY to receive your physical goods, keep you pledge the same (make sure to complete your survey if it is not) and I will ship your rewards anyway. IF YOU CHOOSE TO GO THIS ROUTE YOU ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY IF YOUR PACKAGE IS NOT DELIVERED. Appendix N Entertainment accepts no responsibility in this case.

I will be sending out this portion of the update in a message to all affected backers as well.

November Update
3 months ago – Wed, Nov 13, 2024 at 10:58:31 AM

The horrors persist, but so do I. Also, we have jousting!

Progress continues toward fully realized books.

In our section on non-conventional or "Special Combat Scenarios" are several forms of Tournament combat. This includes the likes of one on one competitions and archery contests, among others. These are all set up to be sort of mini games. Such is our jousting rules, as seen below! Those in the know that have been around old school games for some time and are familiar with the Chainmail rules will notice that our jousting rules are a modified version of the original Chainmail jousting rules. The original rules had some wonkiness to them, as well as attacks, which, essentially could not be beaten and would always go well. Check out the rule below.

More previews and info will be coming soon as we close in on the final stages of this project.

Thank you for your support!

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment

September/Early Octorber Update
4 months ago – Sat, Oct 05, 2024 at 10:58:55 AM

Hey folks. What is it they say today...

"The horrors persist but so do I."


September was overall a crappy month, but I did manage to get progress done on this projects, despite an unprecidented slew of work (for September) at the day job, illness (myself), illness (my daughter) and Homecoming week (also the daughter obviously). That said, good headway has been made in both the Contemplations and Combat sections of that book! I've also gotten some playtesting in on the "special situations" combat rules for Tournaments and Mira's rulse for Dueling! I intend to share some of that soon. Until then here are some final (lacking final edit) pages. Vitality is from the Contemplations portion (though it dovetails with combat) and the others are from Combat proper.

I hope that you enjoy at least some of these options.

Thank you,

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment

July/August and Beyond?
6 months ago – Sun, Aug 11, 2024 at 10:36:28 AM

Hey all!

I apologize for missing July here. The daily grind got turned up to 11 in Mid-June and most of July was spend with massive overtime at the day job. That said, I was not idle on any of the Kickstarter projects durning this time. I am working diligently on Conventions & Combat and Caster's Codex. Later this month I anticipate being able to share spreads from these. 

Here are some class spreads from the Character Codex! Some of you have seen a variation of the Merchant before, if you backed the first printing of Creature Companion. This one has only a few little tweaks in wording. None of you have yet seen our sorcerer class. The third here is how the spread will look for existing classes that have additional or alternate rules for Gateway To Adventure games.

More updates will be coming later this month! We are inching closer to the finish line every day.

Thank you for the support!

Ryan Thompson

Appendix N Entertainment